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How To Make A Tweetstorm On Twitter X and Gain Visibility

TwitterX experimented with making it easier to do a Tweetstorm directly from the Twitter app a few years back.  Now, you learn how you can make a tweetstorm on TwitterX for your posts and gain visibility in the feed.

Longer tweets are becoming the norm on the social network and a great way to engage with others at the same time.

Learn how you can make a tweetstorm on TwitterX.

Learn How To Make Your Posts Like A Storm

There have been many different apps (like Little Pork Chop) that would help users to create their own tweetstorms before but never directly from TwitterX itself.

Read on to learn how to make your own storm stories today.

What Is A Tweetstorm?

Tweetstorms are a series of tweets from one person that starts with a number and a slash. It helps users to tweet tweets that are over the 280 character count. This series of tweets can make up a story or get a point across on Twitter X by a single user.

According to Merriam-Webster, a tweetstorm began with:

As early as 2008 (a mere two years after Twitter’s inception), tweetstorm referred to a general flurry of Twitter activity about a particular matter, often with a unifying hashtag.”

Since then they added the thread feature where you can string the posts (tweets) along like needling a thread.  We now call tweets “posts” on TwitterX.

Are These Types of Tweet Posts Spammy?

Some people think that tweetstorms are spammy so you have to be careful how and when you use them. Others suggest that users should blog instead of using TwitterX to get that much out of a posted tweet.

They often say: “Blog and then tweet it. Don’t use our precious TwitterX stream to do a rant.”

But there are several ways to make a good tweetstorm when necessary to get across a longer message via TwitterX. If you were to use them all the time they would surely appear spammy but every once in a while they could become a very good feature to have.

You may have noticed some of Elon Musk’s tweetstorms in the past few years before he became the new TwitterX owner. (He now has over 153 million followers.)

How To Make A Tweetstorm Today

TwitterX allows you to compose the entire long tweet first and then you could hit tweet and it would separate them for you.

You would not have to tweet each one with #/ in quick succession. You could think clearer as you do one tweet and then TwitterX would break them up for you in a tweetstorm.

Ironically TwitterX has allowed longer tweets for years now.  They have allowed you to tweet with @username, images, and polls without them counting for the 280 characters that Twitter has been known for.

But with tweetstorms, you can really go on and on and if you have a Twitter X blue account you can go even further. You have up to 10,000 characters in a post with the Blue subscription today.

Good tweetstorms tend to be about real-life experiences. They are great to start a conversation. Funny ones tend to get a lot of attention too. If you want to try to make one get creative about a life experience.

Tweetstorms can tell good stories. You know how people love a good story on social media, right?

Examples of Tweetstorms

Here are some examples I found on X Twitter.

Will These Types of  Posts Become The Norm?

Over the years the Tweetstorms have evolved and have become the norm on the TwitterX feed. People love reading short stories and this fills that need for users on the platform.

It also is a great way for businesses and CEOs to communicate with others on the platform. Of course, politicians have taken to tweetstorms as well and 2024 will soon be upon us.

However, now that Elon has removed headlines from news tweets, journalists have to become more clever with their tweets.  It’s another step of linkless posts that becoming more popular today on all social networks.

A Tool To Help You Write Longer Posts

The Right Blogger has a great AI tool that you can use to write longer posts for tweetstorms. Even if you only have the idea, plug it into the tool and there you go. It works for other social media posts as well.

Your Turn: Tweetstorm Posts on X

Do you use this storytelling feature in your TwitterX feed?

I’d love to know your thoughts on making your tweetstorms in the comments below!

Mastering Tweetstorms on Twitter X: Your FAQ Guide

How do I start a tweetstorm?

Start a tweetstorm by writing the first tweet as an introduction to your topic or story. Make it engaging to grab attention. Add “1/” at the end to indicate it’s the first tweet in a series.

How do I continue the thread?

To continue, click the plus (+) sign at the bottom of your first tweet. This lets you add another tweet. Repeat until your thread is complete. Each tweet should build on the previous one.

How many tweets should I include in a tweetstorm?

Keep your tweetstorm between 5-10 tweets. This range maintains interest and ensures your message isn’t too long or short.

What content works best for a tweetstorm?

Share in-depth stories, detailed explanations, lists, or step-by-step guides. Content that needs more than the usual character limit works well in this format.

How can I make each tweet engaging?

Use images, GIFs, and videos to add variety and keep readers engaged. Start with a hook and end each tweet with a teaser for the next one.

How often should I tweet in the thread?

Post all the tweets in your thread at once. This keeps your audience engaged and makes it easy for them to follow the entire story.

How do I ensure my tweetstorm gets noticed?

Use relevant hashtags, tag influencers, and tweet at peak times. Engage with those who comment or share your tweets to boost visibility.

Can I edit a tweet in the thread after posting?

Twitter doesn’t currently allow editing of tweets unless you have an X Subscription. Proofread all tweets before posting to avoid errors.

Should I number my tweets?

Numbering tweets (e.g., 1/10, 2/10) helps readers follow along, especially if your tweetstorm is lengthy.

How do I track the performance of my tweetstorm?

Use Twitter Analytics to monitor engagement metrics like retweets, likes, and replies. This helps you understand what works and what doesn’t.

Can I retweet my tweetstorm to gain more visibility?

Yes, retweeting your own tweetstorm can expose it to more followers and increase engagement.

How can I increase engagement on my tweetstorm?

Ask questions, encourage retweets, and reply to comments. Engaging with your audience boosts visibility and interaction.

How To Make A Tweetstorm On Twitter X and Gain Visibility Share on X
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