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How To Make Inspiring Twitter Threads For Longer Tweets

Twitter threads are a great way to share longer thoughts or stories without overloading your followers’ timelines. Plus, they can lead to more engagement, since people can reply to each individual tweet in a thread. But, how do you make a great Twitter thread?

You could use a Twitter thread generator to guide you along the way.

Here are some tips for you to get started.

Twitter Threads Tips To Inspire Others

Keep Threads Short and Sweet

Nobody wants to read a novel on Twitter, so keep your individual tweets short and to the point. A good rule of thumb is to keep each tweet under 120 characters. (Even though you can tweet up to 280 characters per tweet, that may go higher soon under Elon Musk.)

That way, people can easily retweet your individual tweets without having to edit them down.

As you can see below Ileane Smith made this thread very short and sweet about the Twitter edit for Blue members.

And the thread is here:

The Right Thread Flow

Make sure each tweet flows into the next. Your thread should tell a cohesive story from beginning to end.

That doesn’t mean every tweet HAS to be related, but there should be a thread of thought that ties everything together. You don’t want to be all over the place on your feed or you will lose your follower’s interest in the tweets.

However, if you need to edit published tweets be sure to sign up for a verified Twitter blue account.

Sprinkle Longer Tweets With Visual Content

Use images, GIFs, and videos sparingly. A couple of images can really spice up a thread and help break up big blocks of text, but don’t go overboard.

The key here is to use visuals judiciously, so they add to your thread instead of overwhelming it.

Limit Hashtags On Threads

Use hashtags sparingly as well. A couple of relevant hashtags can help your thread reach a wider audience, but too many hashtags will look spammy and turn people off from reading it.

One or two hashtags should suffice on your longer expanded tweets.

Encourage Engagement

Invite people to add their own thoughts. Ask questions, provide polls, or just leave room at the end of your thread for people to share their own experiences on the topic you’re discussing. Engagement is key!

Don’t forget that numbered Twitter threads help users follow the thread along.

If you see the inspiring example below and click on the tweet you can see the 7 tips within the tweets.

Why Do X Users Love Threads?

This format keeps readers engaged by creating anticipation for the next installment. Threads also enable interactions through likes, retweets, and replies on each individual tweet.

They’re a powerful tool for building communities around shared interests.

Twitter’s informal, real-time nature makes threads feel like intimate conversations, fostering a sense of connection between creators and their audiences.

Use Twitter Thread Generators for Longer Tweets

If you’re thinking of starting a Twitter thread, there are a few Twitter thread generators that can make the process easier.

First, there’s Circle Bloom, which allows you to draft and publish Twitter threads directly from your computer. It uses AI when composing a longer tweet or thread. You can schedule right from their dashboard.

Another favorite of mine is The Right Blogger tool which gives you ideas to post Twitter threads for the X platform.

There’s also Treadreader, which helps you format your thread, and Tweetdeck, which lets you schedule Twitter threads in advance. (However you need a premium X account for that today.)

And finally, there is Typefully, a Twitter thread generator where you can write, schedule, and publish on Twitter to grow your audience.

You can read my friend’s review over on ShoutMeLoud.

So if you’re looking to start sharing your thoughts in 140-character increments, give one of these Twitter thread-maker apps a try. You will find which is the best Twitter thread-maker for you and some are completely FREE.

4,000 Character Count Tweets Are Available

If you are a Twitter Blue paid subscriber you can make longer tweets on your mobile device as well as edit tweets. These longer tweets can be up to 4,000 characters long.

That’s a long way from the original 140-character count and later 280-character count on the Twitter platform. It would be like publishing your own microblog post on the updated social network.

Do Longer Twitter Threads On X Generate More Engagement?

There’s no definitive answer on whether longer tweets guarantee more engagement. Studies show mixed results, with some indicating longer tweets perform better while others suggest brevity is key.

Ultimately, it depends on the content quality and how well it resonates with your audience.

However by crafting compelling, concise messages tailored to your followers’ interests can increase engagement on your posts on X.

Conclusion Of Longer Tweets

Threads are an excellent way to share longer thoughts or stories without overloading your followers’ timelines—but only if they’re done right. By following the tips above, you can create tweets that are informative, cohesive, inspiring, and engaging.

So go forth and thread away today.

Your Turn

Do you like longer tweets and threads? Are you using any Twitter thread generators?  Drop me a comment below and let us discuss it in the comments.

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