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How IFTTT Smart Life Can Save You Valuable Time

Whether you want to save time online or offline the IFTTT app can help you. You can use the IFTTT Smart Life and Automated Life recipes.

Not only do they save you time but in some cases even money. There are energy-saving IFTTT app recipes. I learned about IFTTT a while back. Many years ago Susan Silver posted about IFTTT is a contributor post here on Inspire To Thrive.

My favorite IFTTT recipe is sharing photos from Instagram right onto Twitter.

I love that IFTTT automated recipe! Once it is set up it is so easy to use. Finally, you just have to be sure the IFTTT app is set up on your phone. (You only need to do that once).

My favorite IFTTT recipe is sharing photos from Instagram right onto Twitter. #IFTTT Share on X

IFTTT Automated Life Contest

Back in 2015 IFTTT held a contest. They awarded ten winners for sharing their productivity app on Twitter.

It was a great way to get more people interested in using IFTTT to automate their lives.

Here Are Some Other Twitter Peeps Favorite Automated Life Recipes:

What Happens When IFTTT Smart Life Is Not Working?

Once in a while, a recipe may not be working. In the 7 years, I’ve been using this productivity app only a half dozen times something went wrong. It usually was an Instagram post that did not show on the Twitter stream.

But IFTTT Smart Life sends out an email if there are any problems with the app to warn you.

Oftentimes, you may just have to adjust your settings in IFTTT to the apps that are connected to it like Twitter. For example, the authorization may need to be reset.

Turning off IFTTT Automated Life Recipes To Stop Automation

Don’t forget in a major crisis to turn off automation you may have set with IFTTT for social media posts. For example, I turned off my IFTTT quote maker during the Covid-19 crisis as I was concerned about the wrong type of quotes going out the first few weeks during the crisis.

Now, I’ve just reconnected it, it’s easy to do! You just have to remember to do turned off your IFTTT automated life recipes if events warrant it.

Don't forget in a major crisis to turn off automation you may have set with IFTTT for social media posts. #IFTTT Share on X

What Other IFTTT App Recipes Can You Use?

There are many forms of automation through this app. Some are for marketing and social media and others are for your daily home or office life. Both can save you a lot of time and or money.

Some of my other favorite IFTTT recipes are:

“Welcome new Twitter followers.” It looks like this:

Other great IFFTT apps are:

What Are Some IFTTT Competitors?

There are several IFTTT alternatives out there today such as:

IFTTT does, however, offer more choices for home applications than the competitors at the moment.

IFTTT Smart Life Smart Plugs for Your Home or Office

The smart plugs are easy-to-use Wi-Fi-enabled devices that plug into an outlet and can control the power to anything, from your coffee maker and lamps to larger appliances.

With over 20 smart plugs and switch options available, IFTTT Smart Life can quickly integrate with whichever device you choose.

According to IFTTT:

Smart plugs can ensure that your hair styling tools are powered off when you leave the house or allow you to turn off the lights when you are already tucked into bed. Other popular automation includes turning your coffee maker on every day at the same time (no smart machine required).

Is IFTTT Smart Life Still Free To Use?

Recently IFTTT came up with a Pro plan.

  • Their free plan is perfect for anyone who is looking to create some automation for specific devices or services.
  • The Pro plan is for you if you own multiple smart devices, are interested in building with multiple actions, or are looking for faster Applet speeds. The Pro plans start at $5 per month with 20 applets or $10 per month with unlimited applets.
You can NOW get 10% OFF your IFTTT PRO account with my referral link!


Your Turn on IFTTT Smart Life and Automated Recipes

What are some of your favorite IFTTT smart life recipes to automate your life or business?

Have you created any recipes of your own? Or, have you tried any IFTTT competitors?

I’d love to know more in the comments below.

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