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How To Painlessly Schedule Facebook Posts Ahead Of Time

How to schedule Facebook posts has changed a lot over the past few years. The Facebook Creator Studio was implemented for Instagram and Facebook pages a while back. However, users were not forced to use them to schedule content on their pages, until months ago but now that’s changed once again.

A while back, I noticed I could not schedule Facebook posts out on certain pages I manage. Then, one by one the option began to disappear.

What was I to do? I went right to Agorapulse to schedule them. But my clients could not see what was scheduled out unless I made screenshots. Since a few accounts I manage with others, I needed to get to the bottom of it.

Next, I went to Facebook’s help center. It was of no use. I put in tickets that came back with generic replies. Then, I went on Quora and posted the question. How to schedule Facebook posts?  Nothing came back.

Then Came the Light Bulb Moment Came

Then the next day I came across a marketing Facebook group that mentioned The Facebook Creator Studio. So off I went to search it out. To my amazement, it was how I could now begin to schedule Facebook posts out once again on pages I manage.

However, today you may notice a note from Facebook on your page. A few of my pages are showing it near the top of the page.

A whole new dashboard has to be explored. No longer the business manager and Facebook but now a creator studio. This caused me hours of delay with work.

So, I thought I would share what I’ve learned to help you understand it quicker. And hopefully not cause you hours of delay.

My job as a consultant is to be a timer-saver with social media.

What To Do?

What’s a small business to do about all these quick and abrupt changes when managing its social media? Hint, I can help you with that now.

So, here are some easy instructions to use the new Meta Business Suite for your page as it has now replaced the old creator studio back in 2023. You can also use it to manage your Instagram account and schedule posts from there as well. How about managing comments?

It’s all there in the Meta Business Suite.

Where To Start To Schedule Facebook Posts

Getting started with the Meta Business Suite is first finding the starting point. You can’t get there from Facebook alone as of now. You must go to the link here for Meta Business.

Once you are there you will see all of your pages at the top of the page. You can pick and choose which to look at.

I’ve chosen mine from the list that appeared – Inspire To Thrive.

Of course, it may look similar to the Facebook Business Manager. But once you start to go through it you will see how easy it is to use.

Notice the notifications are for all your pages near your image. Therefore, if you see the red color on the bell you know you have something to check out. You’ve been notified!

Additionally, notice that uploading videos and driving engagement with premieres both appear upfront and center. Facebook is really pushing us into using more video.

But Wait, There is An Easier Way To Schedule Facebook Posts

A month after writing this original post Facebook has given us an option to use the scheduling feature right from our Facebook pages.

Yes, go to your publishing tools on your Facebook page. Start to post and you’ll see an option to schedule as well.

Click on it and it takes you right into the Meta Business Studio where you can schedule your Facebook or Instagram posts.

Scheduling Posts Ahead

Scheduling posts is key to managing your Facebook page painlessly and quickly. You can schedule Facebook posts for your week or months in advance.

It is a better way to stay organized with your Facebook page efforts than posting one at a time aimlessly.

The new dashboard gives you a few options. You can post something at the top or hit the plus symbol in the blue circle at the bottom of the page – notice you can even go LIVE there!

Facebook Content Library

Here is where you can see all of your posts, past, present, and schedule all in one convenient place. If you want to see the performance of a particular post, you just have to click on it in this section.

Oh yes, today I posted about the verified Facebook page with gray checkmarks going away. I’m sad about that as it took a lot of time to get many of my account pages verified.

Now, only big companies will have the blue checkmark if Facebook wants to give it to them.  

Adding Videos To Schedule Posts On Facebook

This is why I believe Facebook changed its tools. They are pushing videos big time. Not only do they want you to do 3-minute or longer videos but they want you to do them more often.

Almost every tab you open on Facebook there is something you can do with the video. If you haven’t done a video yet, you may want to try it out.

Facebook is surely suggesting videos all over its website these days.

Checking New Performance

If you know me, you know I love checking performance. Why work in the dark? You spend so much time planning out your social media posts, do take the time to review what is working and what may not be working.

I always prefer looking over the 28-day period for more stats. But here, notice how Facebook is showing me the past 7 days and showing me the opportunity to do more videos based on the past 7 days.

You can still look at the old insights on your Facebook business page or your business manager if you prefer.

Do you feel the pressure to do a video on Facebook now like I am?

As a result of the new insights, you can also see new opportunities Facebook has for you now. They too appear to be all about video usage. Facebook is really pushing us to do 3 plus minutes with video on our pages today.

Of course now with Facebook and Instagram reels, it can be much shorter! (90 seconds maximum with Facebook and Instagram video reels.)

Viewing Facebook Insights Before You Schedule Facebook Posts

The new Facebook insights all revolve around videos. How long are people watching your videos? What is the average time spent watching your Facebook page videos?

What about pages that do not do videos? It will be interesting to see how this section evolved over time. Will Facebook start to share posts with images too? I am surely hoping they do soon.

Again, note you can go back at this moment and see your old Facebook insights right from your page.

I still prefer these old insights or the great reports I can easily generate with my Aograpulse. 

Agorapulse can generate reports from the past 30 days, 60 days, or even via a custom date range. I use them for all of my social media reporting today. I like to compare them from time to time with social media’s own analytics as well.

By analyzing what is working it can be prepare you to schedule Facebook posts for the future.

Posting Across Other Approved Pages

This is new and I think it is to get more pages engaged with each other and cross-promote. Do note, YOU must have PERMISSION before posting or cross-posting to any other Facebook page.

Certainly, this will work well for teams. If you are part of a team, like on a real estate team, everyone could cross-promote their open house to their Facebook pages along with the team page.

But, I can see the spammers now trying to jump on this one.

Many newbie bloggers are always tagging me here and there and therefore I can see this being a problem if you are not approved to post across other pages.

Of course, I think Facebook may have this one under control now.

Free Sounds To Add To Videos

Now you can choose sounds that are copyright free for your Facebook videos. This is really a great feature for anyone to add sound to their videos and reels.

There are many genres to choose from and most soundtracks last over 2 minutes and under 6 minutes. No more having to Google where to find copyright-free music.

It’s all within your Meta Business Suite. Of course, it is perfect for Instagram use too.

Earning Money For Video Views

Finally, Facebook is paying you back if your videos are getting watched and are over the 3-minute time frame. Therefore, you must sign up and be approved for this paid program called Ad Breaks.

Specifically, it is under the Monetization tab.  There are 3 ways in which you can now make money on Facebook.

They are:

Ad breaks are when viewers watch ad videos before, during, and after your Facebook videos. The branded content is more for celebrities and media companies.

The fan subscription-based monetization program is one that Facebook notifies you if you qualify. But know, there are 17 different guidelines and rules you must agree to before becoming eligible as well.

You may have noticed the pages where there are fan badges. I usually have one on Neil Patel’s Facebook page as I follow and comment on his posts often.

Page owners can then share posts with just their top fans. For example, exclusive offers can be sent only to your top fans.

Although, to have this top fan feature for your Facebook page you need 10,000 followers. You can read more about top fan features on Tech Advisor.

Meta Pages Mobile App To Schedule Facebook Posts

Now you can work remotely on Meta Business with the mobile app.  You can schedule posts, see what is in the queue and check out your page’s results.

As you can see from the below image, the video is what is being counted more than anything today with their insights.

Some Specials Thanks

A special thank you goes out to Amanda Hann for pointing me in the right direction and to Decode Digital Market for providing the easiest directions on how to code my own Table of Contents. I’ve since changed to a plugin for all posts to have that table.

Your Turn: How To Schedule Facebook Posts

As a result, will you be using the Meta Business Suite to schedule Facebook posts and/or Instagram posts? Have you tested it out?

I’d love to know your thoughts if you like it better or not here in the comments below.

Try it today!
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