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5 Evergreen Content SEO Tips: Drive Oodles of Search Traffic

evergreen seo content

Learn how evergreen seo content can drive targeted search traffic.

Using top-notch evergreen content SEO tips from day one is smart. Starting a website is easy but attracting more search engine traffic is not without some top-notch SEO tips.

In fact, creating a website is a long-term commitment. You can’t publish 10 or 20 blog posts and wait for oodles of organic traffic to your sites. It won’t really help.

If you don’t update your blog or website regularly, you won’t be able to build a profitable website. It’s as simple as that.

Top Notch Evergreen Tips

That being said, here are 5 evergreen SEO tips you can use to skyrocket your website’s search engine traffic in 2024 and beyond.

How to Drive Oodles of Organic Traffic to Your Website

#1. Optimizing Old Posts To Bring More Search Traffic

Creating new content is not easy. It takes a lot of time. On average, creating a 2,000-word article takes at least 4 to 6 hours depending upon the topic you write.

Therefore, the smartest thing you can do is to update your old blog posts. Next, optimize them for search engines to attract more visitors from search.

If you’re wondering about how you can optimize your old content that sparks a flurry of comments, brings a ton of social shares, and attracts a lot of search engine visitors to your site, use the following tips.

Find and Insert Relevant Keywords for Evergreen SEO

The best way to bring more search traffic to your old blog posts is to perform keyword research to find highly relevant keywords. Next, insert them within your content.

Improve your headlines, add more images or videos, and make sure to include your newly found keywords properly throughout your content.

You can use an SEO plugin like RankMath to help you with this easily as you write or update old content right in your WordPress dashboard.

Ask yourself these questions while updating your old content

Do Proper On-Page Optimization

On-page SEO is one of the most important SEO factors when it comes to increasing search traffic to your old content. Here are some of the places where you can insert your primary and secondary keywords.

#2. Always Analyze and Optimize Your Website Loading Times

Whether you know it or not, page speed is a ranking factor in Google’s mobile-first index. If you want to attract more search traffic to your sites, make your website mobile-friendly.

Spy on your website loading times to improve your website speed and overall performance.

You can use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to find out how fast your website is loading. It also shows you how to fix your website performance-related issues to improve your website speed and loading times.

Finally, be sure your internet speed is super fast too!

Here are some of the ways to speed up your website loading times.

Use a good hosting company: No matter what blogging platform you’re using, make sure to use a reliable, secure, and fastest web hosting environment. Hosting plays a huge role that affecting your website loading times and performance.

Use a CDN: A content delivery network (CDN) is simply a network of distributed edge servers that accelerate your content around the world to provide the fastest loading experience to your website, and visitors, no matter where they are.

Optimize images: Most people ignore optimizing their images. If you’re using too many images without actually compressing their sizes, it creates a burden on your hosting servers and affects your overall page loading times.

You can use tools like to easily optimize all your images and improve the website loading times drastically.

Did you know why few websites always get 1st-page rankings on search engines like Google? They attract a ton of backlinks.

Hands down, quality backlinks bring you more search engine traffic. But you can’t simply create a ton of spun articles, buy cheap links from Fiverr, or spam other people’s emails to attract inbound links to your website.

Be Sure to Keep Evergreen SEO Tips in Mind

You need to find the RIGHT ways to build high-quality and authoritative links if you want to improve your website’s backlink profile in this post-Penguin era.

That being said, here are some of the proven ways to attract highly relevant and quality links from authority sites.

Use the Skyscraper technique: The skyscraper technique is the term coined by SEO expert Brian Dean from Backlinko which quickly became one of the favorite link-building strategies for most bloggers and SEOs.

It involves 3 simple steps where you first find top-performing content in your industry, create 10x content around it, and promote it to the right people to create more buzz online.

If you want to get more out of it, you can use this beginner’s guide to skyscraper technique to attract more links to your content.

More Top Notch Evergreen SEO Tips In Mind

Attract links from authority sites using the broken link-building strategy: Broken link-building strategy is nothing new to the world of SEO and it is still one of the most effective strategies to attract links from authority sites in your industry.

You can use tools like Link Assistant, Broken Link Checker, etc to easily find a list of all the broken links of any site and connect with those bloggers to replace them with your own blog links.

A pro evergreen SEO tip is to make sure they are all relevant to their website’s content. – Anil Agarwal

Reach out to blogs that do weekly roundups: There are so many blogs in almost every industry that are creating weekly roundup posts where they usually share the best content with their audience (by linking out to other sites).

So your job is to find out a list of all the relevant blogs in your industry which are doing weekly roundups and connect with those bloggers to get links to your site.

#4. Target Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are the wave of the future. These long-tail keywords are great for two reasons;

However, long-tail keywords usually contain 3 or more keywords.

For example:” “best fitness apps for teenagers” is a 5-word long-tail keyword that is easier to rank for when compared to a short-tail keyword like “fitness apps”.

If you’re wondering about how you can come up with better long-tail keywords to increase your organic traffic, here are a few tips for you.

SEO Tools Are Key For Top-Notch SEO

Get access to the right tools: Instead of using tools like Keyword Planner, you can get access to tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, LSI Graph, etc for finding better long-tail keywords that are highly profitable in your industry.

The problem with most free tools like Keyword Planner is that they won’t give you accurate data such as search volume, related keyword ideas, competitor data, etc. That’s why spending money on tools like SEMrush can be helpful for long-tail keyword research.

A stat from Inspire To Thrive after using SEMRush for a month.

Ubersuggest is another incredible tool where you can get access to everything from head terms to long-tail keyword phrases.

You’ll get hundreds of suggestions from Ubersuggests free keyword tool where you can get all the information like search volume, competition, and even seasonal trends for each keyword you are looking for.

Always pick low-competition keywords: Don’t aim for broad keyword ideas with high search volume. It’s really difficult for you to get first-page rankings and drive an avalanche of search engine traffic to your websites by targeting highly competitive keywords.

As a rule of thumb, pick keywords with a search volume below 1000 monthly searches. Hence, you can rank easily even if you’re a new website.

Just make sure to keep an eye on important metrics like CPC, Search Volume, and Search volume in the past 12 months.

Also, competition of the keyword is important if you want to find profitable keywords.

Use Google Autosuggest: Google Suggest is probably one of the easiest ways to find long-tail keywords. It gives you keyword ideas that most of your target audience is typing on Google search.

Quick Evergreen SEO Content Tip

If you want to get more out of long-tail keyword SEO strategy, focus on finding multiple long-tail keywords to target within your content. Instead of focusing on just 2 to 3 highly competitive relevant keywords, come up with dozens of easy-to-rank long-tail keywords.

However,  make sure they are relevant to the context.

#5. Simply Create Better Content for Evergreen SEO

Creating great content is the most effective way to generate leads and organic traffic to your sites. Most B2B companies create blogs just for one thing: to generate quality leads.

Instead of writing and generating the content, make sure to create content that educates your customers and target audience so they’ll listen to you.

Once you’ve got their attention, it becomes easier for you to sell your products, service, or anything online.

Optimizing your content for evergreen SEO is very important to be found in search.

Create powerful headlines: Brian Clark from Copyblogger says “80% of people will read your headlines. But only 20% of those people will read the rest of your content”. If you want to create better content, focus on creating magnetic headlines.

You can use tools like the Portent title generator tool, Hubspot headline analyzer, and so on to come up with click-worthy headlines.

Create actionable content: Don’t create content sharing all the tips and techniques under the sun. Instead, create actionable content where your target audience can implement a few things immediately after reading your content.

Remember that, most people read blogs to get answers and find solutions to their problems.

More Ways to Create Better Content For Evergreen SEO

Learn the art of storytelling: Tell stories while creating content. Stories go viral. You can start your introduction with a story you know. Or share your personal experiences to instantly grab your audience’s attention.

Keep updating your posts: Whether you’re writing product reviews, sponsored pages, landing pages, or any important pages, make sure to tweak them continuously with more updated information.

Add images, use better headlines, insert relevant keywords, links, and more.

Hence, these are a must if you want to bring more organic traffic to the most important pages on your website. Updating your content becomes evergreen SEO instead of old content with no SEO value.

Final Thoughts on Top-Notch SEO Tips

SEO is constantly changing. Gone are the days when you can get first-page rankings by keyword stuffing, spinning articles, creating doorway pages, etc.

Google is getting smarter each day. Google is introducing a ton of new algorithms along with AI to give a better experience to users.

So you need to find and use the RIGHT evergreen SEO  techniques such as creating a long-form of content.

And of course, attracting quality backlinks and so on, to increase organic traffic to your sites.

Finally, let me know if you have any more top notch evergreen SEO tips in your mind to add by leaving a comment below.

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