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Does Your Inconsistent Internet Speed Worry You More?

inconsistent internet speed

Is your internet speed fast enough for you? Do you often find yourself staring at your computer waiting for the swirling effect to end so you can get on with your content marketing efforts? It can happen anywhere in the world today with inconsistent internet speed.

Do you wonder what my internet speed is? I checked mine with an internet speed test as you’ll see below.

Did you know that internet speeds are the fastest in Monaco today?  The United States is still not even in the top 10 for the fastest internet speed.

Does Your Inconsistent Speed Slow Down Your Content Marketing Efforts?

Imagine how much more you could do if your internet speed was much faster. You would be able to curate content at a higher speed as well as share things throughout social networks.

Not only that but you could watch more videos as they upload much quicker for your viewing.

One of the fastest-growing internet speeds is taking place in Taiwan today. This is happening because of the technology now available.

There are now fiber optics available there and broadband speeds have been increasing too because of it.

The Fastest Internet Speed Technologies

Fiber optics is the fastest type of internet connection today. It is the use of thin flexible fibers of glass or other transparent solids to transmit light signals, chiefly for telecommunications or for internal examination of the body.

Some countries like Japan have the highest penetration of this type of high speed internet connection.

A cable is a thick rope of wire of nonmetallic fiber; typically used for construction, mooring ships, and towing vehicles.

Since you share broadband with others in your area, you might experience a slowdown during peak hours. It is faster than DSL but may cost more too with that speed.

DSL is a technology for bringing high-bandwidth information to homes and small businesses over ordinary copo collect information or to communicate.  

Satellite is typically slower than cable internet. Pricing on satellite internet services has come way down over the years.

It’s the best way to get the internet from remote areas of a region and maybe the only choice in those remote areas of the world.

Why Doesn’t The United States Have More High-Speeds?

There is an anti-competitive atmosphere in the United States leading to only one broadband company available in many parts of the county.  People cannot choose between any 2 or more companies for their internet services. This leads to monopoly and higher price services.

The county also lacks the infrastructure for the technology. We would need fiber optic cables across the country and have them hooked up to homes and businesses.

It’s not a cheap venture, especially in rural towns where the internet is scarce. However, it is starting to change.

For example, today 56% of homes in the Unites States have access to fiber optic internet services. That has grown a lot over the last several years.

It really speed up when more people began to work from home.

How Do You Choose An Internet Provider?

Do you pick from the broadband providers with the fastest internet speeds? Or do you pick from the broadband providers with the lower-priced options?

Remember the old saying you get what you pick for? Yes, even with internet service it holds true.

If you are curating content you need fast-speed internet service. You need to get more done with less time. If you have a choice Fiber optics is the way to go now or Starlink.

What is My Internet Speed?

If you are not sure what your internet speed is today try out this internet speed test here. 

This internet speed test will quickly let you know what your speeds are for uploading and downloading.

Why Broadband Speed is Key Today

Everyone expects things fast today. Getting a quality fast high-speed internet connection is crucial in today’s world. People don’t want to wait for the internet to come on. Remember the old days of dial-up?

And do you remember the infamous “You’ve Got Mail”? It would take sometimes 15-20 minutes just to get online.

Remember the old days with real inconsistent internet speed and getting mail?

You could be doing something else while you waited for it to come on the screen. And once you got online it would take a long time to download something or to watch a video.

Businesses rely on the Internet for everything today. From banking to our healthcare everything is being done online now.  Having slow internet speed will no longer be tolerated by many.

Many people now realize time is money and the more time you have to produce things online the more money you can make.

In Conclusion: Inconsistent Internet Speed

I cannot imagine blogging and doing content marketing with a slow dial-up internet today. Think how long it takes you now to get things done.

Can you imagine it taking 3 times longer to do everything you do online? Internet speed is key today.

Ever since I moved to a rural area in the Northeast, my speed went down until we got FIOS in the area, it’s been a huge time-saver.

Others in our area use StarLink, however, it’s a bigger startup cost to get the equipment.

I’d love to know in the comments below what type of broadband provider you have and if you are happy with your internet speed and connection.

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