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Twitter More Valuable As Chat; Not An Essay Platform

Twitter chat

Is Twitter more valuable than chat? You might have heard all the chatter recently about Twitter increasing its character count from 140 characters to 10,000 characters. Yes, you read that correctly, 10,000 character count!

Twitter More Valuable As Chat – Not Writing An Essay

140 to 10,000 characters per tweet!

That is like going from a little chat to writing an essay. Is that what Twitter wants to become? It happened last month on Twitter. The feature is intended to provide users with more room to speak their minds without resorting to writing threads or multiple tweets.

However, the main timeline’s character limit will remain 280 characters, with additional text accessible via a “read more” button.

10,000 characters are like a 3 full-page Microsoft Word document and maybe another half page. (Depends on how long your words are).

It looks like this below as you compose your tweet:

Uniquely, Twitter was founded on short messaging and micro-blogging. Will making this possible change, change Twitter dramatically? Do you think it will make Twitter more valuable to users?

Twitter More Valuable With Upcoming Changes?

As you know Twitter has been making many changes lately. Ever since Elon took over the social media network is constantly changing.  Notice the new logo below? It’s of Dogecoin, the popular cryptocurrency he’s touted for years.

It’s small on the left-hand side of the network.

What Else Is Twitter Up To?

Twitter 2.0 is now upon us. Twitter believes that they have a responsibility, as the town square of the internet, to make their platform transparent. They also took extra steps to ensure privacy and safety on the social network would be protected.

Twitter Algorithm Changes

Has anyone noticed their Twitter feed looking a little different these days? Twitter has been playing with its algorithm since Elon Musk took over the social media network. You may not be seeing everyone’s tweets that you follow. Or they may appear at different times than previously shown.

The tweets may be ordered by Twitter Bue subscribers. Then relevance rather than in reverse chronological order. That’s another thing Twitter has been experimenting with. I purchased the Twitter Blue subscription service to test it out last month.

More to come in future blogs about the subscription service, how it works, what it does, and if it is worth it.  Will it make Twitter more valuable to you?

Full-Size Videos Now In Twitter Feed

Twitter’s updated immersive media viewer expands videos to full screen with a single click, allowing you to easily access the full, immersive viewing experience. To activate it, simply tap/click on a video in the Twitter app.

You can see an example from my blogging friend Ryan Biddulph below:

Last, I think this may be Twitter’s answer to video as Snapchat and Facebook are close in their video view counts. Twitter is staying in the social media game by adding this to its latest updates. It will help make Twitter more valuable to the younger audiences.

Your Turn: X Twitter Changes

Do you like the latest changes Twitter is making? Which of the above do you like the best?

Do you feel the changes make Twitter more valuable today for users? Please drop a comment below so we can discuss it.

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