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He’s Back – 9 Ways Former President Trump Tweets Smarter

Want to tweet smarter today? Love or hate him, former President Trump tweeted smarter. He appears harsh or quick-witted but he can get his point across when no one else will listen. Former President Trump tweets today on August 12, 2024 prior to his interview with Elon Musk at 8 pm.

That’s the beauty of Twitter X. You can express your opinion to your followers and others as your followers will share some of your posts on X.

Former President Trump had been on Twitter since March 2009. However, the former president was not new to Twitter. (But of course, in 2020 he was censored daily by the old Twitter and taken down completely as he was banned.)

But in November of 2022, Elon Musk re-instated his account on X. As of today, the former president has 88.1 million followers on X.

Since he was reinstated, he only posted once. But today on August 12, 2024 Trump tweets once again with several posts leading up to this LIVE event on X tonight.

Trump Tweets Today

This interview will be done on the X spaces audio platform on X. It was what Governor DeSantis used to announce his campaign in May of 2023 and experienced glitches on the network.

Let’s hope tonight’s experience will be glitch free though the volume of people on X may cause an old fail whale to return. We will soon find out!

How President Trump Posts On Twitter X

But turn on any newscasts on TV and what is the headline? It’s what former President Trump tweeted about years ago. It makes the news all the time.

Per media reports, Twitter Inc.’s TWTR live streaming of President Donald Trump’s inauguration saw record viewers.

Learn how you can tweet smarter now.

9 Ways To Tweet Smarter on X

1. Be Consistent on Twitter

Show up regularly on Twitter. Don’t just show up every other week. He has been on Twitter since March 2009.

He tweeted daily before and after becoming president. Some days former President Trump tweeted more than others.

The former president tweets as needed to keep his followers informed and more so as the mainstream media shut him off in the middle of speeches.

2. Tweet To Communicate Messages

Trying to get a message out to your readers or your audience? Tweet in a simple way so they too can share your message via the social network.

Notice that former President Trump has tweeted this one over and over.

3. Make Some Tweets Personal To Tweet Smarter

The former President Donald Trump puts his personal touches on his tweets. They are not just standard tweets or retweets.

He tweets from his heart. He tweets about his family if it is relevant to his topics.

Note: He doesn’t tweet about what he eats.

Think about how you can add more personality and personal things into your posts on the X platform.

4. Tweet Fearlessly

Don’t be afraid to tweet what you believe in. (Except business accounts, you may want to be careful on those.) Former President Trump is not afraid to tweet what he believes in.

He tweeted fearlessly prior to becoming the President of the United States and he continues to do so. He calls out the “fake” news as he sees it.

Do you post with fear? Many have since censorship took over on many of the social networks.

Sadly, even more stopped posting about what they believe in.

5. Tag Others When Appropriate To Tweet Smarter

Former President Trump tags others when a topic is relevant to them. It’s a great way to be sure someone sees your tweet.

It doesn’t leave it to chance. Do you know how X Twitter timelines move fast and furious? Don’t leave your important tweets to chance.

Send them several times hours or days apart depending on their relevancy of them and the amount of followers you have.

6. Use Images and Videos in Your Tweets

Notice how former President Trump uses images in many of his tweets to get his message out. He does this about 25% of the time when tweeting. Tweets with images or videos do get more retweets and likes.

It can also increase the engagement of the tweets. This X Twitter tip will surely help you to tweet smarter.

7. Give Tweeting Compliments

Learn to give compliments to others in your tweets. People love to be praised, especially publicly like on the Twitter network.

Former President Trump’s tweets are often read in newscasts and pointed out all through social media. His compliments go far and wide.

Your compliments can too if you tweet smarter and compliment your influencers. Just be sure they are genuine.

8. Tweet Genuinely

Former President Trump tweets smarter by being genuine. Love or hate him, he is not changing for the fanbase. He remains genuine in his tweets.

He tweets what he believes in and what he feels. I think it’s neat to see his tweets since the mainstream media rarely covers him anymore.

9. Promote Yourself (or Your Brand) on Twitter X

Promote yourself or your brand on Twitter X. Who else will do it for you? Don’t promote your brand in every tweet, but up to 20% of your tweets can be promotional.

Former President Trump promoted his interviews in his own tweets. That’s tweeting smart.

(Tweeting is now called posting on the X network.)

His posts will get reshared by some followers as well. It will spread the right news for him. It can do the same for you.

What Else Can We Learn From Trump Tweets?

Do not leave any tweets to chance. There was one tweet recently where he tweeted easy D and people thought the D meant many things. The takeaway?

Be clear in your tweets! Don’t abbreviate unless it is CLEAR as a bell. Do not let others take your tweets the wrong way and use them against you.

So tweeting or posting with clarity is an extra tip on how to tweet smarter.

The Most Liked Tweets Of All Time From Trump

The most liked tweets from the former president was this one:

It will be interesting to see if the post he tweeted last night will surpass the 1.5 million likes and 11.5 million bookmarks.  As of this blog post update it is getting close to those most liked tweet numbers.

That’s another new X Twitter thing – bookmarks are being counted. It may have an impact on the algorithm and how far your posts will go on the X network. However, you can no longer see others bookmarks on X.

Conclusion: Tweet Smarter

Do you think you can learn to tweet smarter on X by following in former President Trump’s tweeting footsteps? What do you like or dislike about the former President’s posts?

(Many believe he tweeted too much and didn’t know when to stop tweeting, I would agree with that one.) Another tip we can learn to tweet smarter. Don’t overpost.

For more more Twitter X tips grab my ebook.

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