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An Instagram Account For Business – 6 Reasons You Need It

why a business account

Frequently, I am asked this question –”Why should I join Instagram for Business? I don’t know what it is or how to use it. Why do I need a Business Instagram Account? I have a Facebook page, isn’t everyone on Facebook?”

“How much time will I need to spend on Instagram?” Consequently, these are some of the questions that come up from clients I work with on their social media management.

Well, let’s start with: What is Instagram?

Instagram Definition

Instagram is a photo-sharing app that allows users to assign filters to photos and share them with followers. People even use it to do strange things like buying and selling feet pictures.

Since Facebook owns Instagram, you can also message others with Instagram like Facebook.

Instagram is a mobile app but you can access it via desktop. However, note you NOW can post new photos from a desktop and add notes.

Your mobile device no longer must be used for posting new photos videos and stories. So, here are a few things you can do on your desktop with Instagram today .

Instagram Stats

Here is the latest scoop on Numbers for Instagram: As of August 2024, there were 2.35 billion users – yes, 2 billion+ users on Instagram according to Sprout Social.

This makes Instagram the 4th largest social network worldwide.

Out of the 2+ billion Instagram users, there are 900+ million active users who use it daily.

Why Instagram For Business?

So, getting back to that question above: Well, I began to say, Instagram is a younger audience. But is that it?

No, there are at least 6 reasons for you to get started on Instagram for business today.

  1. A large active audience.
  2. Younger female audience.
  3. You can use their ad platform with a business account.
  4. Engage better with your Audience.
  5. Increase your online visibility.
  6. See your stats to help guide you with posts in the future.

How To Switch Your Instagram Account to Business (Professional) Or Other

You have to go into your settings to change what type of Instagram account you want. As I have a business one already, it is showing I could switch to a personal or a creator account instead.

It’s easy to switch from one to another but as a business, you will get a lot of business tools with the professional business Instagram account.

Larger Audience With Instagram

You have a large captivating audience on Instagram. They are scrolling daily to get the latest photos, quotes, and more from others including businesses.

Younger people are leaving Facebook or not spending time on that network in large numbers now. However, they are spending more time on Instagram.

This younger audience engages more with brands here than on any other network. As a result, brands need to take advantage of this.

Learn now how to use the Instagram reel feature.  Reels are the 15-90 second video posts that can stretch your reach on Instagram today.

Just recently Instagram launched a TikTok feature for reels called ReMix on Reels. The updates have been coming out fast and furious lately so stay tuned!

Younger Female Audience

If your business has a female target, Instagram for Business is surely a must for you to grow your business now and in the future.

Did you know women reinvest 90% of their income into their families and communities, compared to men, who reinvest only 30-40%? via  That is a stunning factoid to be aware of when looking at your target market.

Also, did you know that Millennials are making one-fourth of home purchases across the United States and single women are outpacing single men as homeowners? YES! (Fact from Bigger Pockets.) If you are a realtor that’s a fact to make you take a second look at Instagram.

Single women made up 19% of homebuyers in 2023 while single men made up only 9% of homebuyers.- Bigger Pockets

However, do note that men are catching up and surpassing women on this social media platform in 2024.

Ad Platform With Instagram For Business Account

Don’t always have time to post to Instagram? Then, why not use their ad platform? Instagram owns Facebook and offers all different types of ads targeting Facebook. Therefore, it’s quick and easy to use.

Not only are ads available for Instagram business accounts but great insights into your stats. These are very helpful to understand your audience.

For example, where they come from, what day they are most active, and what time they are on Instagram.

Generating organic followers is best as paid ones may cause you to be banned from Instagram.

So be sure to turn your private account or personal account into a business account on Instagram.

Engagement Is Crucial With Instagram For Business

To generate business from Instagram you need to be engaged with users. Engagement is made easier with the stories features and messenger app.

Not only do you need to do stories and use the messenger app but responding to comments and commenting on others’ Instagram posts is key to Instagram’s success. Therefore, you can no longer post and run away. You have to engage in this network.

Shane Barker talks about this in his recent post about Instagram problems. One thing to be aware of is that you can’t post a comment on Instagram with 5 or more tags in it.

Now, you can use a listening tool like Brand24 that monitors Instagram for you. This makes it easier for you and can save you more time.

Increasing Your Digital Visibility Via Instagram

Moreover, being on Instagram gives you a different audience. Hence, if you post on this network it will increase your website or brand’s visibility online. You will reach that younger audience that has left Facebook.

Using the right hashtags on Instagram and you can use up to 30 of them is key. Therefore, you can use a hashtag tool like Rite-Tag or Hashtagify to help you select and use the right hashtags.

I’ve read in a few different places using around 12 hashtags per post is the sweet spot. Of course, some say to use no hashtags today, but there are different opinions on that as well such as 30 hashtags.

It’s always best to test it out on your own account and see what works best and then adjust it.

Increase Visibility with IG Business Cards

When designing Instagram business cards, the Instagram logo is key. It instantly connects with your audience, making your brand more recognizable. Use a clear, high-quality version of the logo to give your cards a professional touch.

Place it strategically, like near your contact info or social handles, to guide the viewer’s eyes. Consider the logo’s color palette when choosing your card’s background, ensuring everything complements.

A well-placed and well-sized logo can make your card memorable and engaging. Remember, it’s all about balance—don’t overcrowd. Let the logo shine but ensure your brand and contact details stand out too.

A Large Following Is NOT Always Necessary On Instagram

Many people think having a large following is a must on Instagram. It is NOT if you do not have an engaged audience. Gary Vaynerchuk spoke about this engagement years ago but it still holds true today in 2024.

What good are Instagram followers if they don’t engage or click on your bio link or stories? You would be wasting a lot of time uploading photos and creating hashtags.

Trust Insights recently did some studies and you will see exactly how the following ratios matter for influence on Instagram. (Having a large following on Facebook and X Twitter has even less of an effect than on Instagram.) 

So paying for followers may be a waste of money for you as well as being useless, or worse, getting you banned from the network.

But you could turn to “bots” to help you automate your Instagram likes and comments.

Time For Instagram

One note about Instagram for business it takes a lot of time.  Before you decide if you will join Instagram be sure to have some time allowed to use it effectively.

However, note that you can search Instagram without having an account so you can see what your competition is doing there.

Engagement takes time to build, you cannot post and run on this social network. If you can’t do it yourself, hire help. (I can’t handle any more Instagram clients myself at this point!) 

You will need quality images, and the ability to also post stories and videos as well as to engage with others on the network with your Instagram account.

If you want to view private Instagram accounts read this how-to guide on how it works. It is an eye-opening blog post on Inspire To Thrive.

Your Turn On Instagram For Business

Are you using Instagram for business today? I’d love to know more in the comments below if you ARE or are NOT using Instagram for business. Are you using any Instagram tools with your account?

I’d also love to know how it’s working out for you and if would you recommend others jump on the Instagram bandwagon today.

If you want to learn more check out these 10 tips to grow your Instagram audience here too. 

Why Your Business Needs an Instagram Account: FAQs

What are the benefits of having an Instagram account for my business?

Instagram helps you reach a large, engaged audience. It’s great for showcasing products, building brand awareness, and driving sales.

How can Instagram help increase my brand’s visibility?

Instagram’s algorithms benefit active, visually appealing accounts. High-quality posts and stories can get featured, reaching beyond your followers.

Can Instagram help improve customer engagement?

Yes, interacting through comments, direct messages, and stories fosters a strong community and boosts loyalty.

Is it necessary to use Instagram ads?

Instagram ads target specific demographics, making them an effective tool for reaching potential customers.

How does Instagram compare to other social media platforms for business?

Instagram’s focus on visuals and engagement often makes it more effective than text-heavy platforms like X Twitter or LinkedIn for visual products.

What kind of content should I post on my business Instagram?

Mix promotional posts, behind-the-scenes looks, customer testimonials, and engaging stories to keep followers interested.

Can Instagram Insights help measure my business success?

Instagram Insights provides data on engagement, reach, and demographics, helping you refine your strategy.

How can I collaborate with influencers?

Find influencers relevant to your industry, reach out with a clear proposal, and negotiate terms that benefit both parties.

Can I sell products directly through Instagram?

Yes, features like Instagram Shopping let businesses tag products in posts and stories for direct purchase.

Is it necessary to have a business profile on Instagram?

A business profile provides access to Insights, ads, and contact options, making it essential for effective marketing.

An Instagram Account For Business – 6 Reasons You Need It Share on X
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