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Hello Bar – Why Neil Patel Convinced Me to Use a Nasty Pop-Up

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You may have read how pop-ups can turn readers off. I’ve read figures as high as 95% of people hate pop-ups. Personally, I have have found some of the pop-ups to be quite intrusive especially on mobile. However, that was until I discovered the Hello Bar.

But more and more people have been using these creative pop-ups on their blogs and websites.
Surely I was holding out back in early 2015.

But then I read Neil Patel’s post on Growing your traffic by 20,000 visitors a month and how the Hello Bar plays a crucial part of that. I had to check it out! 

Neil also recommends the Hello Bar in his 12 tools to build high converting landing pages.

The Hello Bar Increases Your Subscriber List

The Hello Bar is so easy to install and use that I just had to test it out. The best part was that the results were immediate! I had not been getting new subscribers of late.

With the addition of the Hello Bar pop-up I began to get new subscribers daily! Now as Donna Merrill has said in comments elsewhere is that “Our Blogs are our property and social media is rented space”. She is so right!

We need to have people at our blogs/websites and our subscribers bring them back to our own properties.

Back in 2015 shows the chart I had received in 14 days. 1 new subscriber per day. Of course my blog doesn’t have as much traffic as Neil Patel but this is much better than what the blog here was doing previously generating subscribers here.

Over the years I went without it and then recently added it back on as it really works!

I also like that you can very easily do A/B testing with different wording and offers on your pop-ups via the Hello Bar. It literally took me less than 5 minutes to do 2 A/B tests this morning. If I can easily figure it out I’m sure YOU will be able to as well.

And it is for FREE. They do offer a paid program with more bells and whistles if you want.

I’m on the growth plan now as I’ve added another bar over on my Twitter Jail story. 

What Others Say About Those Annoying Pop-Ups

I did a little more research on these marketing pop-ups and found a great video on his post by Derek of Social Triggers who says “You are an idiot if you do NOT use pop-ups to increase your email list.”

Derek is in agreement with Neil Patel.

Should You Use the Hello Bar?

Beth from Copyblogger had this to say about pop-ups: There is no question that po-pups “work” — but to what end? We’re not willing to risk the relationship with our audience for a spike in opt ins. I guess Copyblogger is not in agreement with Neil Patel.

Rob at the Evergage Blog on his post to the Secret to Pleasant Pop-ups says that pop-ups work but you really need to have an x on them so users can quickly close them up. Give them an easy exit and your readers will appreciate it.

An easy exit is the x where people can click to easily exit off the pop-up.

The #1 search on Google for pop-ups is for annoying pop-ups followed by how do I stop the pop-ups. It is ironic that people find them so annoying but also use them often at the same time.

As you can tell I’ve gone back and forth using the Hello Bar here on Inspire to Thrive. No one wants to  lose viewers today!

Over to You on Pop-Ups and the Hello Bar

Do you subscribe to other blogs via pop-ups? Do you use them at your blog or website?

I’d love to know your thoughts on those annoying pop-ups in the comments below!

I’ve been so happy with the Hello Bar I’ve become an affiliate 4 years later 🙂 However, I decided back in 2022 to not use as many pop-ups on the site to annoy you, my readers.

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