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Better Tips and Tricks for Growing Your Digital Marketing Firm

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You are passionate about providing your business clients with the best possible digital marketing firm services. But you struggle to demonstrate your enthusiasm and expertise to prospective clients.

As a result, your digital marketing firm is not scaling at the rate you expected. The most well-known strategies for boosting growth are not working as you might have hoped.

Fortunately, you don’t have to resign yourself to your firm’s current level of success. Here are a few better strategies for promoting growth in the digital marketing firm space:

Learn how to be the best digital marketing firm you can be.

Invest in SEO To Grow Your Digital Marketing Firm

The vast majority of B2B consumers start their search for services with a Google query. Thus, you need to be certain that your digital marketing agency is utilizing SEO strategies to rank highly in searches using relevant search terms.

If your firm lacks an in-house SEO expert, you should look to partner with an SEO firm that has experience with clients in your industry.

However, SEO can do more for your digital marketing agency than ensure it ranks highly in certain search results. You might consider working with a white-label SEO provider to offer high-quality SEO services to your current and future clients.

SEO is the backbone of digital marketing. However, it is so highly technical and ever-evolving, many digital marketers lack sufficient SEO skills to reach client goals.

Working with a dedicated third-party SEO provider can keep your agency agile. It allows you to focus on the services you most enjoy while ensuring that clients have access to the fundamental services they need to achieve success.

Create A Lead Magnet

Many businesses in need of digital marketing services balk at overt requests for their contact information for one reason or another; perhaps they do not trust your company yet. Or perhaps they are not sure what services they want and need.

Of course, talking to your firm could give them the information they need and get them started on the path to success. Therefore, you need to find some way to convince site visitors to convert into leads.

Instead of simply asking for contact information, you might create a lead magnet by offering a product service received only after the input of an email address or phone number. Some examples of lead magnets include ebooks, reports or white pages, quiz results, access to resource libraries, checklists, and more.

Your lead magnet should be relevant to your digital marketing services and provide value to your audience. That way businesses will be more willing to divulge their contact information.

Respond to Leads Faster

After a business receives a new lead, the average time it takes them to respond to the lead is a frustrating 47 hours.

During that time, leads could be reaching out to other providers. Thus forming connections that lead to long-term business relationships.

Lisa, Inspire To Thrive

You should make it a goal to reduce your agency’s response time, ideally contacting new leads within an hour of receiving their information.

Reduce Client Churn

For most digital marketing firms, it is much more cost-effective to retain existing clients than to continuously convert leads into new clients. Thus, you should be putting more effort into convincing your current clients to stick around for additional services.

Reducing client churn involves understanding more about the client experience and working diligently to improve it. You might start asking clients to fill out NPS surveys.

These surveys will reveal how your clients feel about your agency and tell you how you should focus your energy to retain your clientele.

Other strategies for retaining clients include sending more personalized letters and gifts. It creates a more comprehensive client onboarding strategy and concentrates on achieving positive results.

Reduce your client churn in your digital marketing firm to grow steady.

Showcase Past Success Of Your Digital Marketing Firm

A good way to build trust amongst current and future clients is by publishing client case studies. Case studies offer a deep and insightful look into your agency’s processes.

Extensive amounts of data provided in case studies can help convince business clients of your digital marketing firm’s expertise and efficacy.

You might consider drafting several different case studies to cover every target buyer persona.

Generally, it is in good taste to ask past clients for permission to draft case studies from their campaign, though some might request that you change certain details to maintain anonymity.


Your digital marketing agency could be great one day — but in the meantime, it needs to build a positive reputation. By investing time and energy into growth strategies, your firm can begin to scale. Therefore, setting you on the path to achieving your digital marketing dreams.

What are you doing to grow your digital marketing firm today? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.


What should you invest in SEO for your digital marketing firm?

Not everyone who does digital marketing understands SEO and you will need an SEO specialist to succeed.

What is a lead magnet?

A lead magnet is something you give away free or offer at no charge or at a discount in exchange for something like a customer’s email address or phone number.

How soon should your digital marketing firm respond to a lead?

If you could respond with an hour that’s best but no more than a 24-hour period for sure.

What is customer churn?

It is when customers leave your digital marketing firm, you need to find new ones. It’s best to retain the ones you have to lower the churn rate.

What are case studies?

A case study can show off your digital marketing firms examples of work done for other clients. Of course, I would recommend you get their permission before publishing them.

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