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17 Engaging Blog Examples to Boost Your Blogging Inspiration

Finding blog examples to inspire you was a fun but daunting task that will help inspire you online. Even more fun was to find a blog example for you to learn from. These would include blog post examples that you find informative with actionable tips.

As this year is beginning to wind up, it’s time to start thinking about what we will do in the coming months. Which blog posts will we learn from? Who can teach us more and help us along the way to succeed online?

Therefore, I choose 17 blog examples that I have come across that have taught me many things from blogging to content marketing that can inspire you to thrive online.

Each one of these 16 bloggers has something to offer anyone who wants to learn to grow their blog or small business now or in the coming months ahead.

Here Are 17 Bloggers To Inspire You to Thrive:

1. Ryan Robinson: Fantastic Blogging Lessons and Free Tools

I came across Rob’s blog about a year ago and recently signed up for his emails so I won’t miss another blog post as he provided pack-filled information on each and every post. You will love his free tools too for keyword research and crafting better blog headlines.

Not only does Ryan share tips on how to start and grow a blog but how to take it to the next level and grow business from your blog. He is engaging on Twitter and I was pleased to see he responded to my tweet quickly.

If you like listening to podcasts Ryan has a popular podcast too with over 400,000 listeners. If you want to up your blog business this year, follow me in following this inspiring blogger.

You can also use his 62 tools at the Right Blogger to help you blog more and more effectively!

2. Nikola Roza: A Blog Example To Learn SEO and More

Nikola Roza has truly inspired me with his tips on SEO and affiliate marketing. According to his profile: He started doing affiliate marketing in 2015. Through lots of trial and error, mostly errors, in fact, he was able to build something substantial online.

His first business was freelance SEO writing, but now he is slowly transitioning into affiliate marketing and the near passive income it brings.”

Follow Nikola’s blog on his journey and start doing and learning yourself from his writing.

3. Erik Emanuelli Blog Examples to Help You Blog Better

Erik has been blogging for many years and I’ve followed many of his blogs throughout them. But his updated blog, from 2014, was a business card for his social media and freelance writing services.

Then he started blogging as a side hustle in 2010, with many ups and downs, and several successes and failures.

Finally, he created many niche websites and made a lot of mistakes. He learned so many things during his journey.

Now, in 2021, he has decided to share his knowledge with you by committing himself to just creating awesome content.

You will love following his No Passive Income blog and Biz Small Biz blog examples as well. Recently I’ve contributed a post about raising prices there.

4. Blog Examples from Anthony Gaenzle’s Thriving Business Blog

Anthony is another blogger who I’ve learned a lot from. He recently launched his business blog, Gaenzle Marketing. He focuses on SEO, content marketing, social media, email, graphic design, web design, video, and more.

His other blog, Anthony Gaenzle is about marketing and he closed it down last year. I’ve learned a lot this past year reading Anthony’s blog, especially his post about getting verified on Twitter. It’s quite a comprehensive guide!

I’ve been honored to contribute to Anthony’s 2 blogs in the past several years..

5. Ryan Biddulph’s Numerous Blog Examples Around the World

Not only does Ryan blog regularly over at Blogging from Paradise but he blogs at countless blogs daily online.  His storytelling style of writing grabs the attention of everyone from the first sentence of his writing.

He has taught me to write daily and the more I do it, the better I will become at it. Not only that, but it will keep you generating content daily.

If you are looking for tips for beginner blogging, Ryan is the must-follow person for inspiration. Even if you are a seasoned blogger you will learn something new from Ryan.

Lastly, you can purchase one or all of his over 100 eBooks from his website.

6. Neal Schaffer’s Inspiring Blog Example

Another blogger I’ve learned a lot from this year and even in the past years is Neal. I purchased his book “The Age of Influence” and read a lot of great marketing lessons.

He gives you 16 different ways to collaborate with influencers in this book as well as how to become one yourself.

Neal publishes regularly on his blog about marketing, influencers, and social media. His blog post examples will surely get your blogging inspiration up. He also has a new book coming out, stay tuned!

7. Ivana Taylor: A Blog Example to Inspire You

I met Ivana over on Twitter as she is the host of #BizapaloozaChat on Mon 2 pm ET. and Thu 8 pm ET. It’s a great Twitter Chat to join and I wish I had more time to join all the time!

I love that they tweet me reminders of their Twitter chat each week 🙂

Her inspiring blog is DIY Marketers. Her blog posts are in-depth and full of fantastic knowledge for you to grow your blog or small business today.

8. Darren Rowse from Pro Blogger: A blog Example To Learn From

I’ve been following Darren’s blog for years and remember learning from him how to update old blog posts. This blog post was originally written in 2014 but it is completely redone 7 years later thanks to Darren.

If you have been blogging for some time,  you have probably come across Darren. He is been around the blogging community since 2002.

Whether you are a new blogger or a seasoned one Darren is another must-follow person to learn from who will inspire you online. He now also runs a digital photography school.

He has great blog post examples for you to follow.

9. Donna Merrill – Another Seasoned Blogger to Learn From

Donna has been blogging for a lot of years too and there is always something she can teach you about making money online from blogging or affiliate marketing.

I’ve met Donna in person over the years and she is just as friendly and inspiring in person as she is online.

You may have seen some of her videos on her Facebook page that inspires new bloggers and old bloggers with their craft.

10. Vishwajeet Kumar Bhowmick

Vishwajeet has been around for years blogging and launched a new blog in 2023 that I believe will really take off in 2024. The blog is called Tech Biz Masters. It is your ultimate destination for all things tech-related.

They are a passionate team of tech enthusiasts dedicated to bringing you the latest news, reviews, tutorials, and insights from the ever-evolving world of technology.

Vishwajeet is also a team player and can be found sharing other bloggers content over on Twitter X and other social media platforms.

11. Mike Allton’s Blog Examples For You

If you have been blogging for any length of time I’m sure you’ve come across Mike Allton. He writes about social media and digital marketing. My favorite of his blogs, the Social Media Hat has been around since 2011.

I have to thank Mike for introducing me to Agorapulse, as it’s saved me so much time over the years managing clients for social media.

As you can see below Mike also runs the Blogging Brute blog. Mike seems to never stop as he is always on live videos or blogging away at one of his many blog examples.

12. Sue Ann From Write Mix For Business: Writing Examples

If you are a new blogger and want to learn how to write for your blog, Sue-Ann is a must-follow blog!  Sue-Ann is an excellent editor who has helped me from time to time here on Inspire To Thrive.

Sue-Ann has fabulous blog writing examples that will surely inspire you with your writing.

Not only that but her use of language to tell a story is phenomenal. So if you are a seasoned blogger, Sue-Ann can help you as well with editing and her “way with words.”

I truly don’t know how she comes up with her “magical way with words”. Her blog post examples will surely inspire you!

13. Maddy (Osman) French From The Blogsmith Inspires You

I met Maddy on a webinar we did together last year and her blog has truly inspired me! I follow her on LinkedIn and have learned a lot from her, not just about SEO but about being an inspiration to others.

However, I believe Maddy and her blog will go further as she is an excellent marketer and SEO expert with an abundance of energy!

She has a great team that you can read about on her website.

14. Mudassir From Blogging Explained

Mudassir has a simple and clean blog style that will make it easy for you to follow. He is great at engaging on social media and has received my attention there from it.

Not only that, but his WordPress blog examples are of a clean theme.  You won’t find pop-ups or lots of ads on his sidebars.

Visiting blogs that are easy to read encourages you to stay longer viewing their content.

15. Tom Pick From Webbiquity Teaches You B2B Marketing

I also met Tom on the same webinar as Maddy and began following his blog and advice as well. His informative blog is about being everywhere online when and where buyers are looking for what you sell.

It’s how he helps B2B clients achieve through a coordinated strategy of SEO, search marketing, social media, brand management, content marketing, and influencer relations, supported by the right marketing technology.

You will surely learn a lot about the B2B marketing field from Tom. Not only that but his blog articles are simple enough for you to follow.

Finally, you don’t need a marketing degree to understand his blog post examples.

16. Poulomi Basu From We Ignite Growth: A Blog Example About Branding

Another blogger I’ve learned a lot from in the past year is Poulomi. She writes often about SEO and branding at We Ignite Growth.

This a fabulous blog example about SEO and branding.

Poulomi is also active on some social networks and is passionate about her work. She offers a FREE SEO starter course as well.  Her blog posts are extremely well-written and will help you with your branding online.

She offers actionable advice for your business on her blog.

#17- Adam Connell from Blogging Wizard- Getting More Organic Traffic Through the Wizardry of SEO

Blogging Wizard, founded by Adam Connell in 2012, is a valuable resource for bloggers and content creators. 

It offers in-depth guides, tutorials, and reviews written by experienced bloggers and marketers. Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate blogger, you’ll find advice to help you build and grow your blog. 

I remember Blogging Wizard was a helpful resource to me when first starting Inspire to Thrive years ago. This excellent blog helped me to learn the fundamentals of SEO and internet marketing which in turn helped me grow my site’s traffic to record levels.

Who Inspires You Through Their Blogging?

What bloggers inspire you today with their blog writing examples and why? Please drop a comment below to recommend your favorite blogger that you have learned from along the way.

These 17 blog examples above are in the marketing and social media niche that will help you to grow your blog or small business. I hope a blog example will inspire you with your own blog and online business.

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