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What Will Separate Your Blog Or Pumpkin From Another?

seperate your blog like pumpkins

What Can Separate Your Blog or Pumpkin From Another? The past few weeks I have been reading lots of blogs and after a while, they all seemed to look alike.

I had been to the supermarket and took a picture of these pumpkins because it seemed so early to have them out and ready for Halloween. The pumpkins all looked alike and if I was going to purchase one would not be able to decide which one to choose.

It was the same for the blogs I had visited. Which blog do I comment on? Which blog do I share?

I thought maybe labeling the pumpkins with letters would make a difference. What can you do to separate your blog from other blogs today? Let’s see what things you can do to separate your blog now from the others.

Here Are Some Ways To Get Creative With Your Blog:

Be Generous with White Space

Please use white space on your posts. How many times have I visited a blog and everything is clumped together with no white space or images?

I do not stay around long enough to read it – never mind to comment. Sometimes not even the reading glasses or bi-focal contacts can help me read your blog. Make it easy on your readers!

Make Your Text Big Enough to Read and Separate Your Blog From Others

Oftentimes, I visit a blog and the text is so small or in a font that is hard to read. What do you do? Do not read the post and go elsewhere for the information.

So make sure your text is big enough and easy to read, especially on mobile devices.

Do Away With Ads Everywhere

I’ve been in the ad business for over 30 years. I know ads can pay the bills. But if you overuse them on your blog they will turn off readers and become ineffective.

Have you ever visited a website on your mobile device to find that you could not even read the blog post? Yes, that can happen when you have too many ads or pop-ups.

Always check yours on your mobile phone. You might be surprised at what you find!

Eliminate Blog Side Bars

Today many blogs do not have the old fashion sidebars filled with promotions. Use your blog space wisely and have a promotion in your blog post instead.

Keep your promotions to a minimum or use one pop-up on certain blog posts that are relevant to your pop-up. It looks less salesy and keeps your blog looking clean and minimal.

Use An Inviting Headline to Separate Your Blog From Others

Something that draws others in. Others who are great at this draw people right into their blogs. When they share on social media sites it draws more attention to their latest post.

You spend so much time writing it, why not spend a little more time on your own headline?

However, you could use a tool called Sharethrough that analyzes headlines for you. Try it out as it is FREE to use. The tool grades your headline and you can try again until you get a higher grade for your headline.

Add Creativity To Your Blog

To make those pumpkins look different from one another you could get creative with cloth and markers to make them look really unique. A few years ago I bought a New England Patriots Pumpkin.

Wish I knew where that picture was now. Seems every year people are getting more creative with their pumpkins! It can be fun to decorate them for Halloween.

Making your blog look different can be fun with different graphics, infographics, and videos to complement your writing.

Write With Finesse To Separate Your Blog From Others

Sue-Ann Bubacz talks about this in her blog post “Why you need to be blogging with finesse.” Instead of letting it all hang out use some finesse to your blog to life.

Don’t let your posts need a lifeline to be read and commented on. Reveal a little about yourself in each of your posts going forward. See how it can make a difference with your readers.

Your Turn

What do you do to separate your blog from others today? And do you decorate your pumpkins to stand out for Halloween too? I’d love to know more in the comment section below.

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