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Web Security: How To Protect Your Website And Improve UX

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As a business owner, you should be aware that web security is a huge concern. Your site is the place where people come to do business with you. In fact, even if you also own a physical location, the majority of your business is probably still conducted through your website. Today you can choose a cloud web security package for further protection of web securities.

This means that you need to be sure that all of your security elements, such as SSL certificates and other features, are in place. You don’t want to lose money for several days running as a result of a major phishing or hacking attack.

This is one area where you need to stay on your guard.

What Is An SSL Certificate Used For?

HTTP protocol is used to request and receive the data and HTTPS in which the ‘s’ is nothing but secure SSL. This is what makes the HTTP protocol request. It then receives activity encrypted so no middleman attacker can obtain the data easily.

Just remember the S means secure. You can purchase this SSL certificate from a web hosting company. See the example below of how it appears in a browser.


Why Is Web Security Important?

The security of your website should be your number one focus. In the long run, having a fully secured site is the one thing that keeps you in the black. If visitors to your site don’t find the “https” prefix or the padlock logo in your address bar, you will lose credibility instantly.

This is because if these symbols of security are not viewable, the public won’t be able to identify your site as one that is safe. They want to be assured any site is safe for them to do business with.

This loss of trust will lead immediately to a major loss of profits. You must make the right move to correct it and get back on track.

A Lack of Website Security Is A Serious Issue for Your Business

If you do not have the proper security for your website, this will be a serious turnoff for potential customers. Beyond this loss of credibility is the fact that you are basically paying to host a site on the web that no one will want to do business with.

There is also the fact that an unsecured site is an open invitation for cyber-criminals. They can your site take over and use it for their own purposes. Once you lose control of your site, you could find it being used for all kinds of heinous criminal actions.

When the legal authorities discover this, you could be on the hook for their crimes.

Where To Get the Proper Security for Your Business Website?

There are a number of venues that you can go to in order to get the proper level of security that you will need for your business website. The important thing to keep in mind is that your site needs to protect private info. This info is from your customers who will enter into it.

The domain hosting services provider that you sign with will need to consider this as their main priority if they want to keep your loyalty as a client. Inspire to Thrive uses Siteground for hosting with an SSL certificate.

You can read more to compare other companies to choose from for your hosting at Web Hosting Secret Revealed. There is a wealth of information as well provided on their website in regards to web hosting. Do check it out.

Make Sure Web Security Part of Your Package

Before you sign a deal with a hosting provider, you need to be sure that a full guarantee of web security. You will also want maintenance included in writing within the contract.

If this detail is not included, there is no telling how your provider will react when you inform them that your site is under attack.

It’s up to you to monitor all activity on your site. You must make sure that it stays fully safe and secure from criminal activity. It will not only benefit you but your clients as well.

Also, be sure your staff is aware of what they need to do to keep your brand and website safe from hackers as well.

Cloud Web Security Platforms

Cloud web security refers to the protection measures implemented on websites that are hosted on cloud platforms. It involves safeguarding the website and its data from various online threats, such as malware infections, hacking attempts, and unauthorized access.

Cloud web security utilizes a range of security protocols, such as firewalls, encryption, and monitoring tools, to ensure the website’s integrity and protect sensitive information.

By leveraging the cloud infrastructure, website owners can benefit from scalable and efficient security solutions that continuously analyze and mitigate potential risks, providing a robust defense against cyberattacks.

How To Check If Your Website Is Secure?

To check if your website is secure, there are a few important steps to take. First, ensure that your website has a valid SSL certificate. This can be verified by checking if the URL starts with “https” instead of “http as discussed above.”

Secondly, regularly update your website’s software and plugins to fix any potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, implement strong and unique passwords for all user accounts and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.

Regularly scan your website for malware or suspicious activity using reliable security software. Lastly, keep backups of your website’s data in case of any security breaches. Some web hosting companies do automate backups as part of their packages.

By following these steps, you can ensure the security of your website and protect your online presence.

Does HTTPS Provide Any SEO Benefit?

According to Search Engine Journal from last week, it sure does. However, it may not be as important as it once was.

“Google recently updated its documentation about ranking factors, removing page experience from the “ranking systems” documentation. It doesn’t mention HHTPS directly in its current documentation about page experience, but does mention security.

Google clarifies that removing explicit mentions of HTTPS from its list of ranking signals doesn’t mean it should be ignored. They play a role in a less direct way than previously described.

Instead, Google wants businesses and SEO professionals to think about HTTPS differently. Rather than something that can make a difference on its own, think of HTTPS as an element contributing to a successful page experience, which Google rewards.”

It’s not surprising that web security would have an some effect on search engine optimization years later.

User Experience

Web security plays a crucial role in enhancing the user experience. By safeguarding websites against potential threats and vulnerabilities, it ensures a safe and secure environment for users to explore and interact with online content.

When users know that their personal information is protected, they feel more confident and at ease while browsing the web. This increased trust leads to a positive user experience, as users are more likely to engage with websites, make online transactions, and share sensitive information without fear of it being compromised.

Web security measures, such as encryption and authentication, also contribute to faster and seamless website loading times, which further enhances the overall user experience.

Ultimately, prioritizing web security not only protects users but also improves their satisfaction and trust in the online ecosystem.

Your Turn: Website Security

Have you ensured that your blog or website is secure today? Has it impacted your SEO efforts too?  I’d love to know more in the comments below.

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