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SEO Basics: A Student’s Guide To Building An Online Presence

basics of SEO

Some people might think: why on earth would a student need to build an online presence? The truth is, it’s one thing to have a profile on social media for scrolling news or funny pictures. And it’s completely different to actually use your social media to your advantage! In today’s digital age, you can use your online presence to boost your professional and personal life. That’s where SEO basics come into play.

Once you complete your studies, you’ll quickly see how competitive the business world is. Everybody is looking for employment and growth opportunities. Your social media can help you out here.

You can use it for networking and building prospects for yourself. It’s important for students to grasp the basics of search engine optimization and its potential for online presence.

With the help of quality SEO, you can boost your personal brand and demonstrate all of your achievements to the world. When you think about it, SEO is the basis of every successful marketing campaign, like when you look for an Essay Pro and choose the top website on your search. Think about this as a way to show the internet that you exist!

So, are you interested in boosting your visibility on the internet? Here is a student’s guide to building an online presence with the help of SEO!

Learn the basics of SEO to boost your online presence.

The Importance of Online Presence For Students

Let’s start with the basics and explore why you should start thinking about your online persona in more detail. As we’ve mentioned before, you can show information about yourself that would be appealing to other people.

Most people communicate and share their thoughts through the internet. For this reason, let’s see what advantages your online persona can give you:

Now that you understand the obvious benefits of search engine optimization, let’s move on to the SEO fundamentals.

What Should Be Incorporated Into Your SEO Basics Strategy?

SEO allows you to ensure that your content is visible and prioritized when users search for relevant keywords. As soon as someone uses Google to look for information about you, your content has to appear on the first page of the results.

Nobody goes on the second page of Google to find something, right?

This is true for any kind of search, really. For example, students choose the best research paper writing services from the top few listings. You can achieve this level, too! Here is what you need to include in your strategy.


These are the words or phrases that individuals typically search for when looking for something online. For example, your potential employer might want to Google you to see what will come up.

The best-case scenario is that they won’t find anything that can potentially harm your employment opportunities.

What if they stumble upon something that could actually benefit you?

So, here are the steps that can help you boost your visibility on the internet:

Quality Content For SEO Basics

Speaking of content, you need to put something out if you want a strong online presence. This is generally good advice for those students who worry about their online brand awareness.

For example, you have a business that you would like to promote. Quality content сan inсlude posts, photos, or videos that show your opinions and insights.

On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization is one of the SEO fundamentals in general. Students need to pay special attention to every on-page element that contributes to search engine optimization.

These elements include titles, headings, image names, and so on. Every piece of text can be optimized with the help of AI or meta descriptions so the users will want to click on your page.

Sometimes, you will need to promote your page on other websites. Backlinks are links that will point to your content from the outside. Your resume or portfolio might be posted on another website as an example.

Students sometimes use backlinks as part of their marketing strategy for their business. This will definitely boost the credibility and overall visibility of your content.

SEO Basics: A Student’s Guide To Building An Online Presence Share on X

UX and UI

Today, most search engines consider the UX and UI of your website when ranking content. Here is what you can consider in terms of UX and UI:

The best approach in this case is to hire somebody to create a website for you. In addition, you will have to update it constantly. Only regular updates can guarantee a high quality of your website and user experience. 

One of the basic SEO tips is to ensure your website is mobile friendly.

Takeaway: Basics of SEO

So there you have it, a student’s guide to building an online presence with the help of SEO. This can be a challenging journey for students. But in the digital world, you need to remember that you can’t really delete anything from the internet.

So, it’s best to start thinking about how you can strengthen your online presence instead of ruining it.

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