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Learn To Master Podcasting With Ileane Smith Today

master podcasting

Are you looking to master podcasting? There is someone you can learn a lot from.

Ms. Ileane was one of the first bloggers I followed and acquired knowledge from like learning about Scoopit. I could not believe she still works full time and I really wanted to know, “How does she do it all and set the bar for podcasters, live streamers, and bloggers alike? ”  

I cannot keep up with her! Ileane is a master podcaster with 2 different shows. She is the most energetic person I’ve met online over the past decade! When I first wrote about her 6 years ago, she was the master of blogging and YouTube.

Today she is also streaming on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, Periscope (aka Twitter), and Instagram to name a few.

My Interview With Ileane Smith on Podcasting and Blogging

How do you do it all Ileane? You are superwoman, everywhere all the time. Do you still work full-time?

Yes, I recently celebrated 36 years on the job. But I’m not unique. We have something called “The 25-Year Club” and there are about 40 of us. I feel truly blessed that I found a company to work for that’s more like a second family.

I love my job and I don’t plan on quitting to blog or podcast full-time. Ileane wants to truly help people, that is what makes her continue to be a success online.

In what field do you work Ms. Ileane?  

We are a not-for-profit publisher that is also known as a standards development organization. The standards are developed by the technical experts and we are the administrators.

I’m the membership manager for the company located in Philadelphia.

Did you really start blogging by accident? 

Absolutely! I owe it all to my beautiful daughter Nikki who called me one day back in 2009 to announce that she started a blog.

I went to check it out and in the process of trying to “follow” her blog, I ended up registering for a free WordPress blog!  That first blog was about everything and anything.

I didn’t start with a niche. I’ve changed blogs several times over the years and now I can be found blogging at Ileane

How Did You Master Podcasting?

If you want to master podcasting the best advice I have is to start off by listening. What I mean by that is, try to spend as much time as you can, listening to different types of podcasts out there.

Be a podcast listener.

This will help you get an idea of how you want to sound and how you want to present your content. I’m not saying you should mimic other podcasters, but find a way to put your own spin and add your personality to your content delivery. This will help you to master podcasting.

Once you have a goal in mind, you can work on finding an audience.

Don’t get discouraged if things are not “perfect” when you start off but the truth of the matter is, the only way you can get better is to get started. Enjoy the journey and don’t expect overnight success.

Thanks, Ileane for the great advice! I was interviewed on a podcast recently by Martin Lindeskog as a Biz Sugar member. And then by Sue-Ann Bubacz on MssyBiz chatting about Twitter.

Ileane’s Podcasts To Master Podcasting

She has 2 podcasts, Ms. Ileane Speaks and Presents The Anchor Show. Ileane is not consistent with her podcasting schedule but as I’ve said she doesn’t stop!

However, she talks more about live streaming and podcasting but still touches on blogging today. Her voice is very soothing to listen to as well.

She still believes in the power of having your own home base at a blog in 2023.

You are the Queen of Video Ileane, were you always good in front of the camera? 

Lisa, with over 135,000 views, and more than 1,500 subscribers you might be surprised to learn that the overwhelming majority of my 150+ videos – I am NOT in front of the camera.

I try to encourage people all the time to make YouTube videos and you don’t need to ever get in front of the camera if you don’t want to.

Truthfully speaking you don’t even need to speak into the microphone. You can use a program like SoundGecko to read your transcripts or blog posts.

Back to your question, I don’t really think that I’m “good in front of the camera” but after watching hours and hours of YouTube videos on my 55” SmartTV (I can see every little pimple) I have come to the conclusion that you really don’t need to be all that great on camera.

What you DO need is to provide the information that your audience is looking for. Sometimes they just want to laugh or be entertained, other times they’re trying to solve a problem – just keep posting videos until you find out what resonates with your audience.

Back in 2019, Ileane reached over a million views on YouTube.

She recommends you can make more videos that are similar in style and content. Don’t try to get your video to go viral, just keep providing value.

The Most Watched Video

The most-watched video on my YouTube channel is a tutorial I did for Diigo (which I don’t even use anymore) and at one point they featured the video on the Chrome extension download page.

I haven’t checked lately to see if it’s still there, but I keep getting lots of views on it every month.

The other video that gets a lot of views on my channel is one that I discovered by watching my YouTube Analytics. I noticed that people were searching for “Chrome Toolbar”.

It’s actually pretty funny because technically there is no such thing as a Chrome Toolbar but that’s what “the people” want to call it – so I give it to them.

This one is called “Google Chrome Toolbar and How to Manage Your Chrome Extensions

What is your favorite video that you did?

I really don’t have a favorite, well let me rephrase that. My latest video is always my favorite video so the one that is my favorite this week won’t be my favorite next week.

But over the past 30 days, my most popular video is “What to Wear in Your YouTube Video.” It is still one of my most popular YouTube videos back in 2019.

I got a lot of comments from my friends on that one because it was my first attempt at comedy on YouTube.

Then, I made a point of giving it a serious title, but I probably will change the title one day to – What NOT to Wear in Your YouTube Video.

What is your favorite social network?

YouTube – Can’t you tell?

I can spend hours on YouTube and even when I shut down my laptop, I will turn off the nightly news to watch YouTube videos (tutorials of course – no cat videos allowed on my TV).

Your Turn at Master Podcasting with Ileane

Have you followed Ileane and learned from her as well on how to master podcasting and blogging? I’d love to know more in the comments below.

To learn more about Anchor audio check out this post by Sue-Ann: tune up your social media with anchor audio.

Learn To Master Podcasting With Ileane Smith Today @ileane Share on X
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