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How LMS Integration Trims Your Biz and Increases Productivity

Learning management systems are important to help your employees upskill periodically. The fact has been very well established now for LMS integration. Now, let’s imagine a scenario where the entire content development team has to take some copywriting lessons so that both copywriters and content writers work in cohesion and boost the company’s reach. 

To make the process of learning more rewarding, you declared a cash bonus for the employees who finish the training program first. So now you have made a promise to your subordinates.

But how do you track if they are working towards getting the reward, or who is performing better? Do you maintain an excel sheet and have an employee monitor their progress? No. It’s wasting the billable hours of the company. So how can you stay true to your promise? 

LMS integration can improve your productivity.

The LMS Integration

LMS integration is your answer. It can track your employees’ progress, monitor their performance, and perhaps send an automated email to the concerned manager after one has completed the training program. This brings in accuracy and tracks employee performance without wasting the billable hours of the company. A win-win situation. 

When you conduct even a cursory examination of potential LMS platforms, synchronization should always be a priority. Choosing an LMS that lacks the adaptability to integrate smoothly with other business software applications leaves the user dissatisfied and in search of a better platform.

But why is LMS integration necessary? How does it help you save time? What can these collaborations do to strengthen your training programs and streamline your company’s operations? These are the questions you need answers to as a startup owner or a company manager, and this article will attempt to provide them.

Why Are LMS Integrations Necessary?

LMS integrations allow you to fully communicate your chosen learning management system with all the other enterprise applications that your company uses to run its operations.

Simply stated, if your LMS does not connect with your CRM, big data, eCommerce, and other operating systems, you are passing up a plethora of attempts to streamline daily operations and enhance productivity. LMS integrations allow user data to be shared between such platforms. You learn about employee and customer behavior, enhance the functioning of your training programs and marketing initiatives, and save countless hours on administrative work.

What’s the bottom line? When used correctly, LMS integrations will save you time and assist you in making informed business decisions. Let’s look at how the following LMS integrations can help your business.

Integration of APIs

An API (application programming interface) connects third-party implementations to your LMS for sharing and synchronization of information.

You’ve probably interacted with API dozens of times. Netflix uses APIs to deliver content, travel booking platforms use APIs to offer the best bargains to customers, and financial firms use APIs to accept payments, verify account information, and much more.

However, you’ve already implemented API implementation if you’ve connected Google Analytics to your LMS. Analytics, for example, provides you with an arithmetic key that you can enter into your LMS. This enables developers to engage with your data whilst still allowing you to use the platform. API integration has the following advantages:

Saving your company’s billable hours: Records or statistics can be drawn from the LMS to third-party software and vice versa. Thus, it eliminates the need to physically create, upgrade, and remove data.

Simple reporting: When third-party apps are incorporated with the API, detailed information is generated automatically.

Depending on recent results, you may enroll an employee in a training program.

Integration of CRM

The soul of your business is your customer relationship management system. It saves valuable data about customer behavior, and how your customer support executives communicate with them and recognizes future business opportunities for growth. The significance of assimilating your LMS with a CRM cannot be overemphasized.

CRM-LMS integration has the following advantages:

You can integrate your LMS with your CRM for added productivity.

Integration of eCommerce with LMS

eCommerce API integration is critical if your company deals with a large volume of online learners or is considering doing so. The ability to market, sell and deliver your training programs will be a major challenge without eCommerce assimilation.

The following are some of the advantages of eCommerce integration:

Integration of Single Sign On (SSO)

We are sure you have been asked to log into a website using your Facebook or Gmail details. Haven’t you? If so, you’ve probably seen the benefits of SSO assimilation and verification.

It’s effortless and easy to operate. So much so that you probably don’t hesitate when asked to use the login details of one account to access an entirely unconnected website.

However, SSO support in your LMS rewards you, your clients, and all members of your company. It simplifies access to online learning, CRM, predictive analysis, video calls, and other services.

Therefore, let the single sign-on feature be the most preferred way to unlock all virtual doors in your organization.

Single sign-on makes it easy and less stressful to sign in.

The Advantages of SSO Integration

Conclusion of LMS Integration

A synopsis of the most important benefits of LMS integration would be:

By now, you must have understood how important LMS integration is for your business. It saves your employees from doing the boring and unproductive work of data entry, but at the same time gives you real-time data about your customers and employees.

Lastly, have you used LMS Integration in your online business? I’d love to hear more about it in the comments below.

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