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How To Avoid Being Caught Out By Google Algorithm Updates

Google algorithm updates

Does a Google algorithm update catch you off guard? Google is constantly changing its search algorithm to provide a better service to its users. With each of the Google algorithm updates, they hope to improve the quality of results that users see.

They do this so people can quickly and easily find the information they need as they are searching.

That’s great news for most people, but it’s worrying news for anybody that is concerned about their search engine rankings. Google makes so many small tweaks to the algorithm, sometimes updating it more than once a day.

Small and Big Search Updates

These small updates are not likely to affect search engine rankings but every so often, Google releases a bigger update which changes things up a lot. You may think Google does not like your site.

If you don’t adapt your website and your SEO strategy accordingly, your rankings could be seriously affected.

The problem is, you need to know when the updates are coming so you can prepare beforehand and avoid getting penalized. Knowing where your brand stands are important to monitor.

If you are concerned about Google algorithm updates like a core update, here’s how you can get ahead of them.

Watch Out For X (Twitter) Announcements

Often, Google will confirm big updates on Twitter. Therefore, be sure that you keep a close eye out for any announcements.

Google uses handles like @Googlesearchc to make these announcements most of the time, so make sure that you are following that account.

You won’t get updates about the smaller tweaks, but you will find out if a big change is about to be made.

However, these announcements don’t usually give you that much time to prepare. So, you should be using other methods to look out for upcoming changes too.

One method I like is the good old fashion Google alert. You can sign up via email and change it anytime.

Monitor Your Traffic for Google Algorithm Updates

Often, you will see a big increase or decrease in traffic around the time of a Google algorithm update.

Of course, the algorithm has changed in some way. Most likely a way in which affects the number of people that find your site through search.

Below, is a video how to set up your explore feature in GA4. This helps to see where you traffic has come from and you can compare it in 7 days or 31 or a custom comparison.

Of course, there are many tools to track your website traffic and analytics. Some are FREE but many do cost money too.

Working with an experienced SEO company can help you monitor traffic and, most importantly, determine the reason for the change.

If they have made changes to their strategy and traffic increases as a result, you don’t need to worry about an update.

But if your strategy has not changed but traffic levels are fluctuating a lot, it’s likely that an update is soon to be launched.

Track Your Search Rankings

Tracking your search ranking is important too. If you are performing well on search and then you suddenly drop a few places overnight, it’s probably because the goalposts have been moved.

Updates change the way that Google scans and ranks sites. Therefore, a website that was optimized well in the past may need to be changed.

Again, you need to check for other reasons why your rankings may have changed, but drastic changes often signify a new update.

Use Google Console To See Google Algorithm Updates

To keep up with Google algorithm updates, use Google Search Console. First, log in and choose your property. Head to the ‘Performance’ tab, where you’ll see a graph of your website’s traffic.

This shows 3 months over last years 3 months for traffic and clicks.

Look for sudden spikes or drops. These could signal an algorithm change. Compare these shifts with known algorithm update dates. Pay attention to which pages see traffic changes.

Regularly check the ‘Enhancements’ tab too. It gives insights into site improvements. Stay proactive and you’ll better navigate Google’s updates.

You can learn a lot about your web traffic by looking through your Google console.

What Is The Big Helpful Content Update?

Google’s big helpful content update is all about improving user experience. It’s designed to rank content that’s genuinely useful and relevant.

This means content that answers questions accurately and comprehensively gets a boost.

If your site focuses on quality and depth, you’ll likely see better rankings. Thin, generic content won’t perform as well.

The update encourages creators to write for people first, not search engines. In short, prioritize your audience, and Google will hopefully reward you.

AI Search: How It Affects The Google Algorithm Update

Google just rolled out a major AI update for its search engine, making it smarter and faster. This update uses advanced machine learning to understand queries better and provide more relevant results.

It’s not just about keywords anymore; the AI can grasp the context of your search. This means you’ll get answers that are more in line with what you actually want to know.

The new AI also improves how Google handles follow-up questions, making your search experience smoother. In short, Google search is now more intuitive and effective, saving you time and effort.

However, it eliminates the need for links which will hurt websites and blogs in the search engines.

Conclusion: Update Your Strategies To Stay Ahead of Google Algorithm Updates

Even with new updates, high-quality helpful content remains key for the algorithm. This has been true for a long time.

Keep creating excellent content and schedule it consistently. This consistency helps maintain your rankings even when updates occur.

While you can’t predict future changes, following these steps keeps you prepared.

How are you handling the latest Google algorithm updates for your blog or website? Are you using any tools to help? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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