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The King Of Tech Knowledge – Services You Can Use By Mayura

If you have been following Inspire to Thrive from the beginning, you will know Mayura: the king of tech and commenting. Mayura was one of the first bloggers I met. I was on the Blogger platform where he is today still. He probably has the best website on Blogger.

He is the most polite person I know on the internet. I have grown to know and love Mayura, my king of tech as I call him. He is so smart with all things technology.

Mayura has saved me countless hours doing work behind the scenes on the blog and other client websites for me throughout the past decade.

Furthermore, I highly recommend his services to you for your blog or website needs.

Why Inspire To Thrive recommends Mayura, the king of tech to you.

The Interview

Why Did You Start Blogging Mayura?

Actually, I had no why when I start trying out blogging platforms and fell in love with Blogger. I was not aware of blogs at all. But I was a bit familiar with forums and have been answering questions based on computer problems.

I really loved the idea of blogging as I could have my own little space with more control over it. Plus, I feel it’s productive, as I don’t want to repeat the same thing over and over again as I did in forums.

Now it turns out to be an informative resource that people can make use of.

How old Were You When You Started Blogging?

I was 23 years, 1 month, and 16 days old. I can’t recall the seconds though.

How Did You Learn It All?

Enthusiasm drove me all the way.

Are There Many Bloggers In Your Country?

Yeah, there are many of them and most of the blogs I came across were written in our native language. They are very creative bloggers who possess different kinds of talents.

I was amazed when I found so much engagement happening over there even though their blog posts were not written in English.

How Is The Internet In Sri Lanka?

As affordable smartphones hit the local market, the Internet became very popular among younger generations here. Prior to smartphones, we weren’t using mobile devices to surf the Internet as much as we do now. However, older generations are yet reluctant to embrace the new technology.

Right now, wireless mobile network connections are very reliable in urban areas. But we were experiencing some outages from time to time, as we are a bit away from the urban area.

Anyway, it’s getting better with the competitiveness of the telecommunication industry.

Can You Tell Us More About Your Country?

Just imagine the area of West Virginia, Lisa.

Sri Lanka is a small island and is most admired by travelers around the world due to its natural beauty, and the heritage enriched by Buddhism.

It was called “The Pearl of the Indian Ocean” too. The native ethnic group living here is Sinhalese, but we have a multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural society.

I don’t think a few phrases themselves can make you feel about Sri Lanka. Just Google for it and I’m sure you would be fascinated by what you see.

Can You Receive Payments By PayPal In Sri Lanka Yet?

Not yet Lisa. PayPal has been restricted as a way to receive payments, but we can send payments through. As a freelancer, I had a hard time accepting payments from clients who lived overseas.

Not everyone is comfortable with using other payment systems as most are fond of PayPal. The best alternatives are Skrill (Formerly known as Moneybookers), Payoneer, Western Union, MoneyGram, and Bank Wire.

Does Your Family Read Your Blog?

My parents don’t know about it. My siblings and some of my cousins were dropping by my blog from time to time through the links being shared on Facebook and other social networks.

I’m grateful for the support I’ve been getting from my family as I’ve got enough freedom to keep on blogging.

What Do You Like Best About Blogging?

The best I like about blogging is BLOGGING itself. The whole process of researching and writing, connecting with bloggers/readers, tweaking the design, experimenting, blah blah and even dealing with spammers don’t make me overwhelmed.

It’s something I’ve been enjoying and feels like a part of my life by now.

What Formats Do You Make Websites On?

Well, it depends on the client’s requirements. Most clients prefer building their websites on Content Management Systems such as WordPress, Drupal, etc. for ease of management.

But if I’ve got to build it from scratch, I’ll go for it too.

As a service provider, I believe I’ve got to be ready for all the possibilities and hence I keep learning. Mostly I’m getting requests to redesign and resolve technical issues on blogs/websites / social profiles.

Is Your Support Center In Blogger, Mayura?

As I was fond of forums, I thought of having one for my blog too. It’s powered by Get Satisfaction but linked directly to the blog. Further, it’s about being organized.

Personally, I’m a bit uncomfortable with having off-topic queries as comments beneath posts as I find comments alone can be helpful for future visitors.

So I’ve found it’s a great way to address other types of questions that visitors have and helps the content including comments of the blog to be more relevant to the topic.

What Do You Plan To Do With All Your Amazing Knowledge In The Future?

It’s about doing something worthwhile. Knowledge doesn’t hold any value unless we use it. Isn’t it?

Currently, I’m on a personal goal to learn a few more technologies to offer more services for bloggers and businesses in the future by going beyond the freelance web designer/developer title.

Anything You Would Like To Add Mayura?

I’d love to send you a virtual hug for having me here and running through a pretty interesting interview Lisa 🙂 I appreciate the opportunity on adding something to the questions too.

Blogging is a wonderful experience when you believe in yourself and follow your style.

Don’t you agree?

Your Turn On The King of Tech

Have you come across Mayura in your blogging circle yet? Do you have a king of tech working for your blog? If you need his services you can contact him here.

The King Of Tech Knowledge – Services You Can Use By @MayuraDeSilva Share on X
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